





di Brizzi, Aldo

Abraça o meu abraço

Voce Sx Perc - 2001 - 3'32''

Commento all'opera

«The mixing was a crossing over of different cultural and aesthetic way to play recorded separately:
Arnaldo Antunes - pop star of Brazilian rock and contemporary poet and video artist.
Daniel Kientzy - contemporary European sax player
Olodum - Afro-percussion group from Salvador Bahia Brazil, that recorded with Michael Jackson and Paul Simon but also preserve the root of an original street music of Salvador.
The voice of Antunes received like a motion-picture soundtrack treatment created by electronics, above all with an unusual use of GRM Tools. The rare contrabass sax played by the contemporary musician Daniel Kientzy gives a special deepness to this sound landscape. Some soloists of Olodum group, with their "repiques", melt and at the same time create a contrast in this piece with the polyrhythms and strengh of the street music of Salvador.
The work of Aldo Brizzi was to put together and creating electroacoustic timbre transformation and ambience editing on:
1. Arnaldo recording of the rhythmical speech of lyrics.
2. Daniel work of improvisation on Arnaldo rhythmical speech.
3. Olodum playing freely several rhythms of their own repertoire.
All these musicians never meet their self. A music for many audiences».

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