





di Molino, Andrea

Those Who Speak In A Faint Voice

Soli Sx & Ens L.el - 2001 - Nuova Stradivarius Edizioni Musicali

Dettagli opera

Concerto multimediale per soli (vocalista e saxofono), ensemble strumentale (fl. - afl., bfl., bcl., 3 perc., pf., vla., vc., db., el. bass), live electronics e live video ("We, On Death Row" by Oliviero and Rocco Toscani), commissionato dal Festival Europäischer Musikmonat 2001.
Ha debuttato al Festival Europäischer Musikmonat 2001 di Basilea il 27.2.2001 con David Moss, vocalist; Marcus Weiss, sax; Phoenix Ensemble Basel, Elektronisches Studio der Musikhochschule Basel; conductor: Jürg Henneberger.

Commento all'opera

« Commentary on the Work
by Andrea Molino
Those Who Speak In A Faint Voice tells of people who are, at the same time, our shadows. They are the faceless ones whom we put to death in the name of a desire for revenge, masqueraded as justice. The nameless ones onto whom we project our incapacity to understand our own dark side. Criminals. Murderers. Non-humans.
"You cannot separate the just from the unjust and the good from the wicked; for they stay together before the face of the sun even as the black thread and the white are woven together. And when the black thread breaks, the weaver shall look into the whole cloth, and he shall examine the loom also." (Khalil Gibran, The Prophet)
Those whom we would banish from society or from the human community itself – writes the late American judge William Brennan – often speak in too faint a voice to be heard above society's demand for punishment. In this project we neither seek to make their voice louder, nor to play down the horror of appalling deeds. Rather, for a few moments, with music and images, we want to create a silence, so that they can be heard.»



Concerto multimediale per soli (vocalista e saxofono), ensemble strumentale (fl. - afl., bfl., bcl., 3 perc., pf., vla., vc., db., el. bass), live electronics e live video ("We, On Death Row" by Oliviero and Rocco Toscani), commissionato dal Festival Europäischer Musikmonat 2001. Ha debuttato al Festival Europäischer Musikmonat 2001 di Basilea il 27.2.2001 con David Moss, vocalist
Marcus Weiss, sax
Phoenix Ensemble Basel, Elektronisches Studio der Musikhochschule Basel
conductor: Jürg Henneberger.

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