





di Netti, Giorgio

The Techniques of Saxophone playing

Teoria - 2009 - Bärenreiter-Verlag - BVK 2114

Dettagli opera

Lavoro teorico in collaborazione con il saxofonista svizzero Marcus Weiss.

Commento all'opera

«In the last few years several publications have been devoted to advanced playing techniques for wind instruments in contemporary music. Despite this, players have continued to request a more comprehensive resource with a better systematic approach, using practical examples from the repertoire.
Following the enormous success of books on oboe and flute techniques, which have quickly become standard reference works, two renowned authors have written a further volume in the series, now for saxophone.
The book is intended for both performers and composers and therefore it was natural that two experts came together to work on it – the saxophonist Marcus Weiss and the composer Giorgio Netti.
The most important playing, fingering and technical possibilities in sound for soprano, alto, tenor and baritone saxophone are systematically explained. These techniques are illustrated with the help of appropriate examples and practice instructions, and at the same time any special notational features are explained.
Links to sound clips on the internet specially compiled for this book enable players to compare their own results with Marcus Weiss’s recording.
The book is an essential, practical performing tool for interpreters, teachers and composers.
- Comprehensive, systematic description of all important playing techniques for contemporary music on the saxophone
- Clear explanation of special tonal effects and practice tips to try out
- With internet links to all important sound excerpts
- Tried and tested on all common makes of soprano, alto, tenor and baritone saxophones
- Text in two languages (Ger/Eng)»

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